Sunday, October 27, 2013

10m old

Little Miss L... Onto double digit months!  What?  Next you will try to turn 1 year old on us?  

Our happy little baby girl just keeps growing, even though we have asked her nicely to slow down.  Pretty please, with a cherry on top.
I think Big Brother is excited for her to grow, he wants a playmate- one that can handle wrestling.  If I put shoes on Baby L, he assumes that means she can walk.  Excitedly exclaiming, "She walks now momma!"  I then have to explain that shoes do not = ability to walk.  It is an adorable train of thought though. 

Still army crawling, but the fastest army crawler I have ever seen.  She zooms across the floor.  Who needs a Roomba when you have a crawler?  This girl can (and will) find the teeny tiniest bit of fuzz on the floor... and promptly try to eat it.

She is gaining strength and confidence, which is evident in her constant state of pulling up on furniture.  Her favorite spot is the entertainment console, because she wants to push the blue lights shining on the DVR box.  She has also mastered stair climbing and makes a beeline for them when the baby gate is not secured.  I noticed her becoming more interested in the stairs, so one day I followed her, but didn't intervene.  Without assistance from me (besides catching her a couple times when she stumbled) she slowly pulled and crawled her way up ALL 16 STAIRS in our house!  She was so proud of herself. 

This past month the crib was also lowered.  No more worries of toppling baby.  Now she just needs to get over her fear of letting go once she is standing up in it.  As of now, she pulls up in her crib and then cries until someone rescues her and lays her back down.  It's a little tiring, but she just looks so darling standing there stranded and beams such a smile when you open the door to help her. 

She also plays peek-a-boo by herself now... example...


Other tidbits: She has 6 teeth.  She is able to push herself into a full sitting position.  And she hates hairbands or bows or hats for the matter.  She loves moochies and is ultra-ticklish.  She likes fresh air and a walk around the neighborhood always makes her happy, especially when joined by our favorite Augusta neighbors The Roods.  The have twins (boy/girl) that are 1 month younger than Baby L.  

And just because,
here she is wearing a little tutu.  
Dressing a baby girl is so fun!

Friday, September 27, 2013

9m old

Baby L has now been outside the womb for the same amount of time she spent inside!  This is always a special time of reflection for me as mother; to recall the pregnancy and the process of falling in love with a person I've never seen, yet have felt move inside my own body.  Wow, baby-making, growing, delivering is amazing!  Here is what 9 months of growing on her own looks like...

That little face turns my heart into a puddle.  And don't even get me started on when she says, "mama"!  She has recently started to clearly make "mama" and "dada" sounds.  Although they don't contain meaning for her, yet- you should see her father and I light up when we hear those sounds. 

Her current health stats:
Height is 27 1/2 inches
Weight is 15 lbs 11 oz
Number of teeth currently stands at 4, but tooth # 5 and #6 are swollen and I predict will push through the gums in the next few days.

She continues to happily scoot around army-crawl style.  She just gets faster and faster at it.  And like any parent will attest to, the first things babies crawl towards are power cords and pet food.  This little girl is no different. 
She will pull herself up onto her hands and knees and rock back and forth, but hasn't gained the confidence to try moving while in that position. 
She has also mastered maneuvering from sitting up to laying on her belly.  Well, I should clarify- she's been able to do this, but it was technically just her falling over.  Now she has learned to control her body and purposefully change positions.  She still does not push up into the sitting position alone, I believe she can, but is content in her signature model pose...
 Followed by a little yoga...

I love this girl to pieces.  Her and her brother are my heart's pure joy. 
Some days are challenging to my patience, but I am so lucky to spend my days teaching and loving them.  To close out her 9 month update, I will leave you with a couple more photos...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

8m old

Our sweet princess is 8 months old.

We've been blessed with a very happy little girl.  Her nap and bed routine has stuck, keeping her tired-induced crankiness predictable.  Two naps a day and then off to bed promptly at 7pm.  She still is not consistently sleeping through the night, but at least when she wakes she goes back down easily and quickly.

She now sit-ups very well.  Her core is strong enough to hold her upright for long periods of time while she plays.  She likes this a lot.  Last month she was starting to scoot, now she has mastered an army crawl style scoot.  It gets her around, so the baby-proofing begins!  

She is eating more baby food, getting a serving at lunch and dinner.  She has turned against squash and now strongly favors bananas and anything mixed with bananas.  She takes baby food best from daddy.
She has 2 teeth fully in, the bottom two.  With more to be coming in very soon.  

Her cheerful personality is shining through more and more.  It is so much fun to interact with her and have her interact back.  He giggles and smiles and babble continue to be as heart-melting as ever.

Baby L is experimenting with different sounds and at different volumes, some are pretty ear-splitting.  The funniest one is when she does the short, loud, bursts of "ahhhh" screams.  If you make the noise back to her, she will happily repeat it.  In the photo below, I caught her mid-scream, notice how she closes her eyes.  Silly little lady.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

7m old

Another month, another update.  Happy 7 Months!

Do you notice the little tooth peeking though?  A week ago it pushed it's way into her bottom gum.
Baby L made it to the doctor for her well-baby check-up and is currently 26 inches long and weighs in at 14 lbs 8 oz. 

She is getting steadier while sitting up, but will still topple over fairly easily.  She has been rolling for some time now, but her rolling has reached a new level of speediness and precision.  She will roll all around a room getting to the object that has caught her interest.  She slowly army-crawl style scoots.  Her legs are strong and she is quite happy to stand if someone will help hold her.

She enjoys being read to, as well as being sang to, and she really enjoys a good game of peek-a-boo!  She is a very ticklish baby, the slightest touch will send her into giggles. 
I'm pretty sure she finds her big brother to be very amusing, albeit a little annoying too. 
He has recently started aggravating her, on purpose.  And I once heard a pouty, "she is looking at me!" come from him.  Overall though, he is very loving and interested in her.  Whenever we leave the house, he always reminds us that sister needs to go too.  

As you can read about in previous monthly updates, her sleeping schedule has been good, bad, good, bad... once again we are [thankfully] on a good schedule.  I have a feeling this schedule will stick!  She is up between 630-7 AM
Nap 1 at 9 AM
Nap 2 at 130 PM - big brother goes down around this time too... ohhh stay-at-home-momma joy!
Bed at 7 PM
Now if she would just sleep through the night!

We started giving her baby food this month.  Her favorite (so far) is sweet potato and chicken puree.  Which is so different from Baby J, who hated anything with meat until he was nearly 2 years old.  She has also enjoyed roasted butternut squash and an apple-banana mix.

Every night as she nurses before bed I rub her soft hair, praying for her present and her future. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

6m old

Half of a year?  Yes, half of a year!
It is hard to believe our little girl has been with us for half of a year.  


Unsure of her current height and weight because we haven't made it to the doctor for her 6 month check-up quite yet.  At that appointment she will be administered her last round of shots until she turns 1.  I am looking forward to the break. 
She doesn't have any teeth yet, but not for a lack of teething.  A pearly white will, no doubt, poke through soon, but for now I'm relishing her big gummy smiles. 

Her squeals and smiles warm our hearts and when she sticks out that little tongue we can't help but laugh.

She took her first trip away from home this past month; going to Papaw-the-Great and Gigi's house down in Florida.  Then a week later she went on her first vacation, spending an entire week on Hilton Head Island.  We couldn't have asked for an easier baby on vacation.  She was happy, slept decently well, and went with the flow... even though the flow really messed up her daily routine. 

Baby L has attempted sitting up alone, but that round little booty has her toppling right over.  She holds her head level and steady when lifted off of her back.  She really enjoys "flying" through the air, and big brother thinks it's funny to watch her.  We brought the jumper out of the attic and it's getting good use.  If she is anything like Baby J was, it will become her favorite activity.

It has been a joyful 6 months full of growth and change.  I'm certain the next 6 months will prove just as amazing.  We love you dearly precious girl.  

Monday, May 27, 2013

5m old

                             As much as we'd like for her to slow down, she just keeps growing!  
At 5 months old she is getting her sleeping back on track... thank the Lord!  While she still wakes at night to eat, it's very quick and she's right back to sleep.  Her naps are improving too.  She takes 2 longer naps or 3 slightly shorter naps, depending on the day, our schedule, her mood, and the volume of her brother.

She is really observant.  She loves to watch her brother run around, and is especially entertained when he dances.  She has also started noticing the dogs and really enjoys watching them.  And there is this baby in the mirror, at whom she loves to smile and stare!  

Her smiles and giggles continue and now she has added squealing to the mix!  It's really, really cute.  

The bibs have come out of storage, for teething has officially begun.  She chews and chews and chews...
on fingers, clothes, toys, blankets, anything she can pull to her mouth.  And the drool, oh the drool!  

One of my favorite things is when babies discover their toes.  
She is fascinated by them and we are fascinated by her. 



Saturday, April 27, 2013

4m old

Another monthly update, introducing Miss 4 month old...

As of turning 4 months old Baby L can now roll over in both directions.  She is proving to be quite the strong little lady. 

Her nice schedule and good sleeping patterns have went haywire!  We were spoiled by her sleeping, and are having to readjust.  She now wakes in the night wanting to nurse and is taking 30 minute catnaps instead of real naps during the day.  It's been a frustrating battle, because she is tired and gets fussy, but just won't sleep.   Good thing she is so adorable and is loved to pieces!


Baby L is a gigglier.  Showering us with the beautiful sound of baby laughter.  It makes my momma heart feel like it might burst.  She is also a lover of water; thoroughly enjoying every minute of bath time.  She splashes and kicks... a lot.   
Baby L has made our family feel perfect.  It's hard to remember what it was like before she was with us.